Well 3 dpo and nothing. No signs. No symptoms. No nothing. Feel as normal as I always do. That's ok, it's early. Usually by now I'm "imagining" symptoms anyway, so maybe this is a good sign! Not even any cramping, which I usually have a little a few days after AI.
I just HAD to post this picture of my other "baby"! My adorable little Liam Kameron. This is his spring picture they did at school a couple weeks ago. He came home and said "Mom, I have a big surprise for you in my bag...and you're gonna like it!" Aaaaawwww...how could I not be madly in love with this little creation of mine?? He is, by far, my greatest achievemet! :) I look at him and I am so proud of the young man he's already becoming, but I am sad at the same time. He is and always will be my baby! I can't believe 6 years have come and gone. In the blink of an eye. Thank God for pictures!!
I love the picture of Liam. It is so cute. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. This has got to be your month.
He's very cute. Hang in there and I hope that no signs are a good sign.
Your boy is adorable! I didn't know you had a blog, but now I do!!! I am going to bookmark you on my blog now so I can keep up on it!!! Good luck to you through your journey!!!
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