Thursday, April 5, 2007

Did someone say Easter chick???

Tomorrow's the big arrival...our little swimmers will be here and I know they're just all geared up for the journey through Utopia to meet up with my egg(s) and create our little bean!! I'm going at this with such a positive attitude this time! I just KNOW this is gonna be it!!

Last Friday turned out to be quite an emotional day. I called NW to order our guys, and to my surprise, our donor was in quarentine til June or July!!! WHAT?!?! This can't be. He's our #1 pick! Now what? We certainly can't wait til June!! So back to the drawing board! After a couple hours searching and researching, I came up with a new donor. I have a real good feeling about him and I have to believe this all happened for a reason. So here's to #340!!! :)

Today is cd10, so I'll begin using the opk's tomorrow. We might be actually concieving on Easter! We might actually be creating our own little Easter chick! :)

Well that's about all for today. I will write more this weekend or after our AI. Please keep us in your prayers.