I haven't posted this week much because there really hasn't been much to post. I haven't had any of the classic "symptoms" that are associated with pregnancy! At least not yet...until today! :) I got up feeling normal as can be, but within an hour I started this sneezing frenzy! I have literally sneezed about 45 times in the past 2 hours. Now my nose is all stuffy and I feel as if I'm cathing a cold!! Granted, it could just be a cold, but I also know this can be a definite good sign! So everyone, keep your FX! I've still had off and on twinges in my abdomen, and even some pulling sensations in my groin, so I'm remaining positive that this IS IT! AF is due on Sunday, so we'll see what happens!
Finally...a nice weekend in sight! The weather here is supposed to be around 75* both Saturday and Sunday! Somebody get me outta this house!!!!! We really want to drive up to Lake Erie, but there's not much open til after Memorial weekend. We toyed with the idea of miniature golf, but I called 3 places and no one opens til next Friday! WHAT?!?! What are we supposed to do in this lazy little town?? Jay said we could mow and get the yard prepped for summer...but eewwww...who wants to do yard work?? I'm sure we'll figure something out.
On one last note, I would like to ask everyone reading this to say a prayer for those effected by the shooting at Virginia Tech earlier this week. My heart goes out to those families and friends of the victims. May God be with them...
Friday, April 20, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Almost half way there!!

6 dpo...wow, it's been almost a week already! I have to admit, it really has flown by! I'm sure this second week won't, but maybe!? Well I don't know if this had anything to do with possible implantation, but I woke up yesterday with the WORST migraine! I usually get one a day or two before AF, but not a whole week+ before. I had it from 7 am yesterday, all day, through the night and didn't get rid of it til late this morning! What the heck?? If it was from my lil bean implanting, I don't mind, but if it was nothing, I'm ticked! It's just unusual to get one in the middle of my cycle. Hmmmm...
Today I've had a few twinges in the lower abdomen, but nothing major. No sore bb's yet or anything like that. I also know there are women who don't get ANY symptoms! So I'm still remaining positive and I just know this is our month!!!! As always, please keep us in your prayers.
And thank you, to my amazing, wonderful, gorgeous life partner, Jay. I love that you're reading my blog now and that you took the time to add a little note for me. It was truly heartfelt and it touched my heart. It's no wonder I am so much in love with you!!! :)
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