6 dpo...wow, it's been almost a week already! I have to admit, it really has flown by! I'm sure this second week won't, but maybe!? Well I don't know if this had anything to do with possible implantation, but I woke up yesterday with the WORST migraine! I usually get one a day or two before AF, but not a whole week+ before. I had it from 7 am yesterday, all day, through the night and didn't get rid of it til late this morning! What the heck?? If it was from my lil bean implanting, I don't mind, but if it was nothing, I'm ticked! It's just unusual to get one in the middle of my cycle. Hmmmm...
Today I've had a few twinges in the lower abdomen, but nothing major. No sore bb's yet or anything like that. I also know there are women who don't get ANY symptoms! So I'm still remaining positive and I just know this is our month!!!! As always, please keep us in your prayers.
And thank you, to my amazing, wonderful, gorgeous life partner, Jay. I love that you're reading my blog now and that you took the time to add a little note for me. It was truly heartfelt and it touched my heart. It's no wonder I am so much in love with you!!! :)
Your symptoms sound so good to me. Very similar to how I felt during my tww. I am keeping everything crossed for you. How is the cold? Remember I had the worst one around the same time.LOL I only used a vaporizor...no meds at all. Will keep you in thoughts and prayers..you better email me when you decide to test!! :)
Hey Lora,
I have to tell you, during the TWW that I got my BFP, at 5 DPO I had the worst migraine!! 1,000 mg of tylenol didnt even help it subside! I usually get them every 4 months or so, just a few days before AF, but never a whole week before AF. I HOPE THIS IS A SIGN FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And thank you for the wonderful comment you posted on my blog. It made me smile, and tear up too. It was so heartfelt, I could feel your hug to me. It means a lot to me. Thank you so much.
Hey I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and Jay! I hope this is sign that something good is brewing!! (((smile))). Reading your excitement makes me excited!! And anxious for you. I will keep you in my prayers! and you keep me posted!
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