4dpo and I might possibly be having a few symptoms. First of all, I had some mild cramping today. It only lasted about 1/2 hour if that, and that's been the first time since AI. My biggest "weird" symptom is that I could eat a horse!!! I've been eating everything that ain't tied down today!!!!! I'm not kidding...I NEVER eat like this! Plus I feel as if I might be coming down with a little bit of a cold. I've been sneezing all day, and literally freezing tonight. Of course the fact that it's only 28* might have something to do with that. ??
Anyway, that's it for today. Temp still went up this morning. Getting higher every day. Thanks everyone for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. :) Hoping to announce my BFP soon!!!!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
3 DPO and Growing Pains

Well 3 dpo and nothing. No signs. No symptoms. No nothing. Feel as normal as I always do. That's ok, it's early. Usually by now I'm "imagining" symptoms anyway, so maybe this is a good sign! Not even any cramping, which I usually have a little a few days after AI.
I just HAD to post this picture of my other "baby"! My adorable little Liam Kameron. This is his spring picture they did at school a couple weeks ago. He came home and said "Mom, I have a big surprise for you in my bag...and you're gonna like it!" Aaaaawwww...how could I not be madly in love with this little creation of mine?? He is, by far, my greatest achievemet! :) I look at him and I am so proud of the young man he's already becoming, but I am sad at the same time. He is and always will be my baby! I can't believe 6 years have come and gone. In the blink of an eye. Thank God for pictures!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Well it's been officially 24+ hours since our AI, so we're 1 day past ovulation. I don't feel any different, obviously, but my temp did rise this morning. That's good...shows I ovulated yesterday, or at least I'm 98% sure I did! :) Will keep updating daily on changes.
Oh and thanks, Michell, for all your kind words, well wishes and prayers. We can use all the prayers we can get! I'm sending them right back at ya!! :) Are you on the NW board?
Oh and thanks, Michell, for all your kind words, well wishes and prayers. We can use all the prayers we can get! I'm sending them right back at ya!! :) Are you on the NW board?
The countdown begins...

I'm happy to report that we concieved a baby yesterday!!! :) At least that's our hopes and prayers. Everything went smooth, we were both completely relaxed and it couldn't have been a more intimate and perfect afternoon. Now the waiting begins. I will try my hardest not to obsess this time around. The 2ww (for you, Deb...that's "two week wait") is exruciating! But I will work my darndest (is that even a word??) to forget and not obsess this time. Any ideas on how to do this, btw??
Ironically enough, they say life and death go hand in hand. Yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of my Step-Dad's death. He was a real role model for me and I loved him as if he were my biological father. I miss you dearly, Freddie.
That being said, a new life is about to begin. I don't know why and I can't even really explain it, but I feel very confident about this cycle. Optimism is not one of my best features, but for whatever reason, I have an inner peace that we created life yesterday. Our baby is on his/her way. :)
Thank you so much for all the prayers and well wishes. We do appreciate it. Should any symptoms arise in the next two weeks, you'll be the first to know. As always, keep us in your prayers.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Aaahhhh...the SMILEY!
Tick tock...tick tock....
And so we wait...waiting for ovulation is like waiting for summer on a snowy day. It seems ions away! For the past year that I've charted my cycle, I discovered I usually ovulate around cd11 or 12. But of coarse all that changes when you're TTC (trying to concieve ~ that's for you, Deb!) :) This month since I'm on the 100 mg Clomid, I know that's what has ovulation delayed. Today is cd14 for me and I think I may be on the upside of my surge!! I tested at 11 am and got a faint line on the opk (ovulation predictor kit ~ again for you, Deb!) No smiley yet, so I'm being patient. I think it'll happen today. Now my nerves are getting on edge. I just want to time this perfectly. No mistakes. Using only one vial this time really puts pressure to pinpoint the timing! Whew, I'm sweating just talking about it!! We were going to do our AI at 24 hours post +opk, but now after extensive research all weekend online, I'm thinking we should do 18 hrs post +opk. ?? Also, the next question, do we do ICI or IUI?? Our specimen is IUI format, so we can technically do either. I know they have a shorter distance to go with IUI, and that's what we've done the previous 5 cycles. So many things to know....we'd better have a plan of action.
Other than watching the clock, nothing new today. Liam is home today...his last day of spring break! Some spring break...it's been a high of nothing more than 34* each day!!! He's not complaining though. So since he's home, I think I'll jump off here and go play a game with him!
Keep the prayers coming, PLEASE!!!! Tomorrow is the big day...I hope!! :)
Other than watching the clock, nothing new today. Liam is home today...his last day of spring break! Some spring break...it's been a high of nothing more than 34* each day!!! He's not complaining though. So since he's home, I think I'll jump off here and go play a game with him!
Keep the prayers coming, PLEASE!!!! Tomorrow is the big day...I hope!! :)
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