Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Back to school

Well Liam started back to school last week! We got our first week under our belts and here it is, only the second week and he's home SICK!! Yep! Caught a cold Friday and was stuffy and runny nose all weekend, then got a fever last night and this morning! Great way to start off the school year. Oh well, what do ya do?? Here's a couple pics of my big 1st grader!! What a handsome boy he is! :) (Not that I'm prejudice or anything!!) I sure did miss him last week. It's actually nice having him home today. *Shh, don't tell the school I said that!! ;) It's been a bit of a rough start....for both of us! He's going through separation anxiety, and frankly, so am I! It's hard to take your "baby" to school and leave them crying for you!! Breaks my heart. I'm sure in time he'll be fine.

Other than school, not much new in our neck of the woods. I did put in my resume at several places last week, so hopefully someone will be impressed and call me this week!? As soon as I get a job, can save up some money, the sooner we can TTC again!!!! This is on my heart everyday. I try not to lose focus of what I already have and enjoying every day with Liam, but yea, it's a constant emptiness in my heart. Anyway, I wanted to share these pics of Liam. :)