Sunday, October 21, 2007

BEAUTIFUL Fall weekend in Ohio!

OMG, what can I say?? The weekend here in North Central Ohio was just amazing!! It was around 70-73*, a cool breeze blowing constantly, and sunny, sunny, sunny!!! Yesterday Jay, Liam and I took a ride to this state park called Mohican. I took the tripod this time and we got some totally amazing pictures! If I had a clue how to put a slideshow on here, I'd go for it...if anyone can tell me how, I'll do it. ???? I have a couple places where I make the slideshow, but where do I input the code??? I soooooo want to share these pics! YIKES...there are so many though!! I only took about 160! I promise I won't put them ALL in the slideshow!! lol

On another note, thank you all sooooo much for the prayers and well wishes while we're trying to get through the ever-so-fun 2ww!! I've had some good signs, at least I think...from heartburn (that I never have), AF type cramps for 4 days straight now, acne on my face (never usually get that either) and my temp has been up for 99.3 to 99.8 consistantly. That's with a digital ear therm though. ?? I don't temp and chart. Too much work and frustration!! lol Today is 8 dpo and counting... just keep the prayers coming! THANK YOU!

Now, let me know about this slide show thing and I'll try to do it. Ho hum!!!

I may have figured it out, let's see.... (DUH!!)


Unknown said...

Looks like you figured the slide show thing out! Congrats!

The pic's are very nice! I wish we would of had 70 degree weather here... it has been over 80 still! I think this week though it is finally going to be fall weather. Thank goodness.

I sooooooooooo hope this is your cycle! Got everything crossed for you! Keep us posted!

battynurse said...

I hope this is your cycle and all the signs are good signs. That is a really cool slide show. I may have to figure out how to do that.

twondra said...

I hope this is your cycle! It sounds good!! Cool slide show!

RainbowMomma said...

Awesome pics. Looks like a great place. Beautiful family photos, too.

I added fall pics to my page, too, but none of mine were with a tripod. Most were out of a moving vehicle. LOL!

Much babydust!!!!!!!