I'm so happy...our little furbaby Pendleton is back!!! We actually spotted him in the neighborhood Wednesday night and it took 3 hours, but we caught him! He's back safe and sound! Thanks so much for the prayers for his safe return! Life is good again!
Yesterday was my hottie's birthday! I went and had lunch with her, which was GREAT, and then I took her for dinner with my mom, my aunt, a friend and Liam of coarse! I'll have to post the picture from Casa Fiesta!
I just saw a DHL truck on my way home earlier, and it made me think about TTC again. We're debating now on still saving for the RE, which we're no where NEAR what we need, OR do we want to just start trying at home next month for another cycle or two? It's a gamble, but I'm sure my Ob/Gyn would give me the 100 mg Clomid again. ?? Any thoughts? Waiting to see an RE just seems so far out, where as doing another cycle or two at home is more within our financial reach. It's a touch decision. I really would like to be pregnant by the time I'm 37...that's 4 months away! I can honestly say my biological clock IS ticking...loud and clear!! I feel like it's now or never!
It is a tough decision trying to decide to either keep going or to try something else. The only thing is that if it doesn't work, would you still end up having to save for the RE? Because if you did try again and were spending money that would go towards the RE and it didn't work, you would still be that far away from the RE. Just a thought but you need to do what is right for you. Good luck with your decision.
Hello my blog friend...hehehe.
No, today is not the big day for Nick. He wont be home until next week. I will be sure to make a huge announcment as soon as I can when he gets here. I cant wait unil he gets outta that country over there! Thanks for all your support through out his deployment. It means the world me, truly.
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