Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Very bad, bad day!!

It's amazing how life can be great one minute and in a flash it turns ugly! Last night around 11pm our beautiful fur-baby Pendleton (that we just adopted a couple months ago) ran out the door! It happened so fast ~ we don't even know why he ran out! He's never tried to get out before. We tried catching him, but he took off. Jay & I were out til 2 a.m. combing the neighborhood. No sign of him. First thing this morning we called the Humane Society, the local vet, the police station and I even ran up and put an ad on the local cable channel. I just made some signs that I'm going to go out and post later. I called one of our neighbors to have her keep an eye out as well.

Why do bad things keep happening to us? Why can't life just be easy and good? It seems everytime we take one small step forward, something happens and we go 3 steps back! I am so in love with my little Pendleton! Poor Liam cried his heart out this morning when we told him!

And then to make matters even worse, I just get a call that my cousin is pregnant...AGAIN! Let me just paint a pretty little picture here: She's 24, has 3 kids already (by 3 different men, I might add!), her and her husband don't work, they live off the government on subsidized housing and food stamps, they can't afford the 3 kids they already have and now here's #4 on the way! Why?

Life is just so unfair. I think I can officially chalk this up to a pretty crappy day!


Unknown said...

I am so sorry. I hope your find your dog soon! I pray he is safe and someone brings him home to you soon!

And yes I know what you mean about the unfair pregnancy thing... I certainly don't understand those things....

battynurse said...

I'm sorry you are having such a bad day. I hope you find Pendleton soon. I too know what you mean about the unfair pregnancy thing. It's so hard to understand why some can get pregnant so easily when they shouldn't and yet for those who really want to, it's so difficult.