Saturday, August 25, 2007

One step closer to being a Doula

Well, I'm on my way!! :) One of the first things I have to complete before even starting my doula training is having 3 books read. I might point out that I HATE to read! Don't know why, but I just don't enjoy it. Not books anyway. Give me the internet, I'm good. ?? I'm a speed reader, then I totally get lost and forget what I read. But that's not what I wanted to write about!! Jay ordered the 3 books for me last week and they've all arrived this week!! OMG, they're awesome! I'm so excited. Just looking through them, I know this is what I really want to do! The first one I've started reading is Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn. Hey, not that this won't come in handy someday when I get my own BFP! I just LOVE this stuff!!! I'm so addicted to all those baby shows on TV - you know the ones, Ladies...A Baby Story and Bringing Home Baby on TLC, Birth Day, Special Delivery, House of Babies, and Runway Moms on Discovery Health. That takes up most of my day!! lol I am a total ADDICT to that stuff!!! AND I could watch the same repeats over and over! I wish I had Liam's birth on tape...I'd be watching it over and over. We just have all those "fresh out of the oven" pics!! He HATES seeing those pics of himself. lol He wants to know why he's all bloody...I told him the stork dropped him in the Red Sea and had to fish him out!! :)

Anyway, so I'm taking the next month or so to get these 3 books'll take me at least that long! Then I need to check into the childbirth classes through my Ob/Gyn and a hospital tour. Maybe I'll be able to do the October workshop, if not, we'll shoot for November.

Right now I'm looking for a part time job. I officially started yesterday! I applied online at our local hospital because I heard through the grapevine that there's a p/t position in Registration. I might check with all the local banks and maybe even the vet. I not only LOVE babies, but I love animals too! Friday was my last day babysitting my cousin's baby. As much as I love the little booger, child care in my home is NOT for me!! It's so different when it's someone else's kid and not yours. Maybe with a p/t job I can start to save up money for our TTC also. I have NO idea at this point in time when we'll able to start again. It's so depressing and frustrating! Jay's student loans are now coming due and with an extra $375-400 payment per month, there's no way we can TTC til she 1) gets a better paying job in her field or 2) I go to work p/t.

Things have been sort of rough lately. Financial woes mostly, but that leads to stress, which leads to lots of confrontation!! I know we'll get through it, but hopefully something gives soon and it's sooner than later!! We have such an amazing and strong relationship, but it's scary how things can come between you before you wake up and say "wait a minute here...this isn't happening!" We're at that point. Time for some changes. We need to put everything and everyone (mostly family) on the backburner and start focusing on US again...Jay, Liam & myself. That's where OUR family begins.

Guess that's about it for tonight. Jay is either getting sick with the flu or a cold, OR she's sick from stress. She's laying here beside me on a Saturday night at 10:00 sound asleep!! What an exciting life we lead!! lol G'night all...


Anonymous said...

Good for you! Hopefully this month will go quickly for you and you will be certified before you know it.

battynurse said...

I hope Jay gets feeling better and definitely take that time you need to work on your family. Good luck with the books and classes.

The Milk Maid said...

Happy reading! It's so exciting that you are on the road to doula-ing!

wannabemommies said...

Maybe these books will be easy reads because it's something you're really interested in. Even people (like me) who love to read have a hard time reading things they're not interested in!
I think everyone understands financial problems. We've all been there especially when TTC. It's good to take a step back and realize what's important. Good luck!

S AND C said...

YAY good for you!